God I missed her. Just watching her babble away put a grin on my face. The episode isn't even over and I have to blog about American Idol. I haven't been paying much attention to this show but now they are down to the top 13 contestants. It's starting to get interesting. The contestant Ada
m just got done singing and I think Paula had an orgasm. Somebody get her a cigarette. Of course Simon likes no one and Randy calls them all dudes and tells them they were a little pitchy. The new lady sits hunched over with her face to the micro-phone and yells out her criticism. But Paula, dear Paula we're really not sure what she's saying, it's great.

Paula rules. She doesn't have to talk.
Relax Max - Awesome! You're following me over to my forgotten blog too! You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar or a stalker, not sure. It's wonderful to see you, it gets kind of lonely here.
I'm a stalker. But it is Paula I am stalking. Shhh-
I'm re-reading the part about her orgasm.
"taggymg"??? You've GOT to be kidding! Who would spam you HERE?
No I'm not kidding, you're just being shallow and pedantic again.
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